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Training & development

Development and change with a sustainable impact

For a training and development program to be sustainable, the type of learning offered is an essential consideration. Most people have already figured out, in their daily lives through their day-to-day experiences, what works and what doesn’t. The interaction with their environment helps determine whether a new mindset or behavior has a chance of sticking. And finally, people learn and change faster if it is something they want to do.

Development and Change – Important Points

  • Use of varied and experience-oriented learning
  • Inclusion of vital knowledge regarding people, cooperation and behavior
  • Approach that includes multiple layers in the organisation (individual, team, & organisation layers)
  • Appreciative Inquiry as methodology, and the use of positive psychology

Sustainable impact training

At every level in the organisation

Op álle niveaus in de organisatie

Development & Training

Ontwikkeling & Training


Development & Training

Ontwikkeling & Training


Development & Training

Ontwikkeling & Training


“What clients say”

“Wat klanten zeggen”

Development & Training - INDIVIDUALS

Craftsmanship in Action

What drives people? Daniel Pink explains it quite effectively when he says people are driven by:

  • Purpose – What difference do you want to make as a person and as a professional?
  • Mastery – What do you love to do, and what are you good at?
  • Autonomy – What limitations do you accept? -What do you need?

During the development program ‘Craftsmanship in Action,’ you will discover how you can get more out of your craftsmanship. How to bring more joy to creating more impact. How you can achieve what is important to you, and what level of autonomy you need to be able to flourish.

The foundation for this development program is taking a step back as a professional and examining where you are right now: What is important to me? What difference do I want to make? What am I good at and what do I like doing? How much freedom do I feel I have, and what do I allow to limit me in doing what I think is important?

Training plan
‘Craftsmanship in Action’ is a development program that combines training with coaching and self-development activities.

The program consists of 3 blocks of 1*- 1 – 1 training days, with 2 or 3-week intervals between blocks. Participants are asked to work on assignments related to the coaching and training, both before the start of the training and during the intervals.

*in some cases, to be determined at the start of the program, the 1st block may consist of 2 consecutive days of training

Who this training is for
‘Craftsmanship in Action’ is designed to help:

  • Organisations that want to invest in the sustainable employability of their people, whether that is within or outside of their own organisation
  • Organisations that want more from the craftsmanship of their employees and are willing to give them the freedom that requires
  • Organisations that want to achieve more for their customers by allowing employee performance to be determined by internal drivers

The program is for groups of 8 to 10 people.

Expanding the development
The effect of the development training can be significantly increased when direct colleagues follow the program together. ‘Craftsmanship in Action’ is both a stand-alone development program and an excellent preparatory program for the ‘Teamwork in Action – I’ training when it is followed immediately afterward with the same group of colleagues.

Development & Training - TEAMS

Teamwork in Action - I

Teamwork is about the relationship that we often don’t understand all that well: the group relationship.

During the training, participants become more aware and skilled at what can be observed in their group dynamics. They become more aware of who they are in their working relationships. How can you defend your own ideas and be completely collaborative at the same time? Participants then learn to define the group relationship in such a way that it supports the achievement of the team goals.

An important (internal) job of any group or team is embracing the diversity within the team. As a result, space for the collective craftsmanship is created, and for the ideas and experiments that help the organisation reach its goals.

During the training, participants learn daily habits so that getting ‘the best from the team’ is no longer a vague concept but a practical and concrete routine.

Training plan
‘Teamwork in Action – I’ is a development program that combines training with coaching and self-development activities.

The program consists of 3 blocks of 1-1-1 training days, with 2 or 3-week intervals between blocks. Participants are asked to work on assignments related to the coaching and training, both before the start of the training and during the intervals.

Who this training is for
‘Teamwork in Action – I’ is designed for:

  • Leadership teams and teams of professionals who want to learn how to enjoy being able to get the best from one another and achieving together whatever it is they feel is important
  • Organisations that have implemented Agile or LEAN methods and want to take the next step to ‘being’ Agile / LEAN by developing their culture of teamwork further
  • Organisations that want to maintain their expertise in teamwork within the organisation
  • Organisations that understand the importance of using a common and recognisable language when expecting people to relate to and interact with one another

The program is for groups of 8 to 10 people.

Expanding the development
‘Teamwork in Action – I’ is a development program that becomes more relevant when participants are groups or teams that work together on  a daily basis. It is also possible to use the program to establish a group of employees from collaborating departments who will be responsible for setting up a ‘Teamwork in Action.’

We recommend following the ‘Craftsmanship in Action’ or ‘Leadership in Action’ program prior to the ‘Teamwork in Action – I’ training.

Development & Training - ORGANISATION

Coaching Leadership

Coaching means trusting that the other has his or her own solutions. But maybe mistakes are made. Mistakes that you, as the manager, could have avoided. Because you have been there, done that. It ought to be that you can just let it all go and watch from the sidelines – but is it that really?

Participants in this training learn the ways in which the professionals in their team can help themselves develop and grow. Managers will learn:

  • How to shift the focus from pushing toward specific business results to achieving results by helping employees learn all they can
  • What the attitude and mindset of a coaching leader truly is
  • Practical ways to start a coaching dialogue
  • To recognise when coaching leadership is, or will not be, effective
  • To cultivate an understanding of what the limits are as a coach in the leadership role

Training plan
‘Coaching Leadership’ is a development program that combines training with coaching and self-development activities.

The program consists of 3 blocks of 1 – 1 – ½ days, with 2 or 3-week intervals between blocks. Participants are asked to work on assignments related to the coaching and training, both before the start of the training and during the intervals.

The program is for groups up to a maximum of 8 people.

Who this training is for

‘Coaching Leadership’ is designed for:

  • Leaders and managers who wish to be less instructive with their employees, and who would prefer to work toward expanding the possibilities for employees to learn
  • Organisations that want to provide space for the craftsmanship of their employees and for the ideas and initiatives that come about as a result
  • Organisations that want to expand their culture of learning and growth

Team coaching

Meulenkamp & Zo also helps teams with specific requests through roles as coach, group discussion leader and group facilitator.

Leadership Teams

Frequent requests from leadership teams:

  • Define and develop a mission/vision year-planning
  • Teamwork and team development
  • Changing a team dynamic
  • Organising a new team
  • Conducting Peer Review sessions
  • From conflict to….
  • Leadership development

Professional Teams

Frequent requests from teams of professionals:

  • Initiating a new team or project
  • Reorganising teams for changing goals
  • Communication and feedback
  • Conducting Peer Review sessions
  • Teamwork and team development
  • From conflict to….
  • Detailed development of departmental planning
  • Changing a team dynamic
  • Defining new work methods for people changing roles

Our approach with team coaching is always tailor-made according to the request, the persons involved and the timing. The work is agreed on the basis of goals and the desired results. 


Team coaching

Meulenkamp & Zo begeleidt ook teams met een speciale vraag in de rol van coach, gespreksleider of facilitator.

Leiderschap teams

Typische vraagstukken voor een leiderschapsteam:

  • Opstellen en uitwerken van missie/visie -jaarplan
  • samenwerking en team ontwikkeling
  • Verandering van team dynamiek
  • Begeleiding van Peer Review sessies
  • Van conflict naar….
  • Leiderschap ontwikkeling

Professional teams

Typische vraagstukken voor een team van professionals:

  • Herinrichting van een team door gewijzigde doelstellingen
  • Communicatie en feedback
  • Begeleiding van Peer Review sessies
  • Samenwerking en team ontwikkeling
  • Van conflict naar….
  • Uitwerken van afdelingsplannen
  • Verandering van team dynamiek
  • Maken van afspraken rondom een nieuwe werkwijze of mensen met veranderde rollen

De aanpak voor deze begeleiding wordt altijd op maat gemaakt, afhankelijk van het vraagstuk, de betrokkenen/belanghebbenden en het tijdspad. Afspraken worden gemaakt over de doelen en het gewenste resultaat. 

Geïnteresseerd ?

Organisational Development

If you want to truly understand something, try to change it.

Kurt Lewin

It is a statement that at first seems contradictory, yet hits the nail exactly on the head. When you try to change a complex ‘system’ like an organisation, that is the moment when you really learn what the true dynamics of that system are. So, naturally, there is no ready-made recipe for a successful organisational culture change. What you can influence beforehand, however, are the conditions for a sustainable change:

  • Harness the complexity of the organisation to work for the change 
  • Avoid partial solutions – study the change in the context of its entirety
  • Observe ‘broadly’ in order to learn to better understand your organisation
  • Where there’s a will, there’s a way. When you want people ‘with’ you rather than against and you can strengthen that, then you can reap the rewards from a wide range of self-initiative and internal entrepreneurship

Meulenkamp & Zo supports organisations with organisation-wide or team/department interventions and at an individual level. Our approach is characterised by the use of:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Systems approach
  • Experience learning
  • Fractal Entrepreneurship in Organisations approach

The following organisational themes are examples of common culture and mindset changes that can revitalise an organisation:
(click on a theme to read more about it on our Home page)

These and other ‘change management’ themes in organisations never stand alone, and are instead always in the service of the (new) mission and goals of the organisation.